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NLE Choppa Found After Concerns Over His Whereabouts


NLE Choppa, the rising rap star, has been located and is safe, according to his mother, Angeleta Potts. Potts had earlier raised concerns about her son’s well-being, stating that she hadn’t heard from him in hours. Her initial social media post sparked worry among fans, who quickly shared their support and prayers.

In an Instagram update, Potts expressed her gratitude for the outpouring of support, saying, “Thank you for the PRAYERS and SUPPORT. Choppa’s ok he just needed a minute, but didn’t communicate it to his love ones.” She also explained that she hadn’t intended to cause alarm but felt overwhelmed by the challenges of being the mother of a celebrity.

Prior to this reassuring update, Potts had shared her worries, urging people to pray for her son and stating that his recent plans to move back to his old neighborhood for a mixtape had raised concerns because he typically doesn’t go without communication for extended periods.

Although Choppa has not yet commented on his social media since his mother’s initial concerns, he had been active on his accounts the day before. He responded to fans who expressed nostalgia for his earlier music, asserting that he’s evolving as an artist and earning recognition.

It’s worth noting that the Memphis Police Department confirmed that no missing person report had been filed regarding NLE Choppa. This incident highlights the unique challenges and pressures that celebrities and their families face in maintaining their privacy while engaging with the public and their responsibilities as artists.

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Written by
Derek Chan – Editor


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