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Perpetual Fight Against Racism: Beyond “Getting Over It”


In the persistent struggle for racial justice, the refrain often heard is a dismissive call for Black individuals to “just get over it.” This sentiment suggests that with the abolition of slavery, the granting of voting rights, and the dismantling of segregation, the conversation on systemic racism should cease. Yet, the parallels drawn with the Jewish community’s post-Holocaust rallying cry, “Never Again,” illuminate the fallacy in urging any community to move on from historical injustices.

The argument to “get over it” disregards the enduring impact of systemic racism, still deeply embedded in American structures. While legal advancements have been made, the lived experiences of Black individuals tell a different story. Acknowledging this reality doesn’t imply a refusal to recognize progress but rather a commitment to addressing persistent inequalities.

Comparing this to the Jewish community’s commitment post-Holocaust provides a valuable perspective. “Never Again” serves as a resounding declaration that Jews will not tolerate a repetition of the atrocities they faced. It’s a call to action, displayed on billboards and echoed passionately whenever the Jewish community perceives a threat.

The Jewish community’s stance teaches us that moving forward doesn’t mean forgetting or dismissing historical traumas. Instead, it involves a steadfast commitment to preventing their recurrence. The phrase “Never Again” is a reminder that silence in the face of injustice is unacceptable, emphasizing the importance of collective action against hatred.

In drawing parallels, it becomes clear that urging Black individuals to “get over” historical injustices undermines the ongoing fight against racism. Instead of dismissing the conversation, a more constructive approach involves acknowledging the existence of systemic issues and working collectively to address them.

The call for justice should not be silenced or rushed, just as the Jewish community refuses to forget the lessons of the Holocaust. The aim is not to dwell in the past but to ensure that history doesn’t repeat itself. Therefore, discussions about racism must persist, and actions must be taken to dismantle the structures that perpetuate inequality.

Written by
Derek Chan – Editor


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