Eddie Murphy’s son, Myles Murphy, aged 30, exchanged vows with his girlfriend, Carly Fink, aged 32, in a private wedding ceremony held in Beverly Hills, California, on Saturday. The couple, who are proud parents to four-year-old daughter Evie, celebrated their love surrounded by close family and friends, including the comedy legend Eddie Murphy and Myles’ mother, Nicole Murphy, according to a family representative cited by People magazine.
Myles looked dapper in a Dion Julian Lattimore tuxedo by Knotstandard, while Carly donned an elegant Enzoani bridal gown for their special day.
Their daughter, Evie, who arrived in 2019, made Eddie Murphy a first-time grandparent. Myles proposed to Carly in a heartfelt moment during a boat trip with their daughter in July 2022, and the engagement was celebrated with a beautiful oval-cut diamond ring.
Carly has expressed her love and admiration for Myles on various occasions, including a touching Instagram post for his 30th birthday, where she shared her pride in him and their anticipation of their upcoming marriage. She also praised Myles’ parenting skills in a Father’s Day tribute, expressing their deep appreciation for him.
Myles is one of Eddie Murphy’s ten children, born to the iconic Beverly Hills Cop star and Nicole Murphy on November 7, 1992. Eddie has always cherished fatherhood and has emphasized his blessings in having a loving and close-knit family, consisting of six daughters and four sons, whom he describes as “so great” and “normal people,” standing in stark contrast to the typical Hollywood stereotype of entitled children.
Written by:
Dana Sterling-Editor